Chatting With Shep at EMC 2016

    Founder Donald “Shep” Shepherd, talks about AR’s upcoming amplifiers, updates, and the “Built to Last” quality from AR at the 2016 EMC Symposium.

Demonstrating the Combined Effects of Testing Radiated Immunity in Accordance with Edition 4.0 of IEC 61000-4-3 Using Multiple Signals

    With the release of the 4th Edition of IEC 61000-4-3, questions arise concerning the multiple signal method of testing with regard to over-testing of EUTs, 3rd order harmonic issues when multiple signals are applied, and the overall time savings of applying multiple signals during a single sweep. This experiment will demonstrate and characterize… Continue reading Demonstrating the Combined Effects of Testing Radiated Immunity in Accordance with Edition 4.0 of IEC 61000-4-3 Using Multiple Signals

AR Systems

    A presentation by Supervisor Applications Engineer, Flynn Lawrence, of AR’s System design and capabilities.